Last night, I slept through the night!!!
This is not a milestone I expected to celebrate with one and (almost) three year olds, but a significant event it turned out to be.
Here's why -
After getting his allergies under control in January, Little Smiling Man quickly got into a great sleep groove. To recap, before we started actively managing his allergies, he was one itchy little guy. He'd go to sleep pretty easily between seven and eight, probably due to sheer exhaustion. Four hours later he'd be up, and he'd be up pretty much every hour until morning. Sometimes it would take a good hour to resettle him, only for him to sleep an hour and be up again. After nine months I was one sleepy mama! Within a week of starting antihistamines, he went to bed even more easily, and was up maybe once a night. Two weeks later he was able to sleep 11h straight most nights. The change was amazing!
Then, two weeks ago my little guy got sick. He had a nasty gastro bug that gave him tummy pains, and after three days that transitioned into less tummy distress with a high fever. All in all, it was nearly a week of illness, and a week of him needing parental intervention from about 1am until morning. He wanted comfort, to be held, to be rocked, etc. It made for a very tiring experience for all of us, but he's been better for about four days now, hooray!
Breaking the nighttime comfort habit took a lot of willpower on my part. We were all so tired from being up half the night for a week that the easiest thing to do would have been to give him what he wanted and spend the night dozing with him in a recliner so we all could get some rest. But, instead we mustered up our strength and settled, and resettled and re-resettled him in his crib until he realised that the nighttimes of being held for hours are over. The first night it took two exhausting hours, the second night it took one hour, then fifteen minutes. Last night was golden - back to sleeping through the night! Ahhh!
On the Mini Muffin front, bedtime continues to be a challenge. I've previously written about our
naptime power struggles, and her general need for comfort and having a parent with her to fall asleep. We tried extending the strategy to bedtime, going through our routine and then letting her do what she wanted (so long as it was quiet and in her room) until she was ready to sleep. It was an epic failure. Mini Muffin really enjoys playing independently, so we ended up pulling the plug on the whole philosophy when after a week she was consistently still playing at 11pm when we'd go in and insist it was bedtime. So, the bedtime process continues to be long (minimum of an hour, and often two) and full of frustration.
My husband usually handles her bedtime, and they're pretty good at winding each other up, which also exacerbates the situation. Last week, I interjected one night when it was becoming clear that my husband needed a break. I tried something new and gave her a flashlight. I told her that she could play with it until she was ready to sleep, but that she had to do it quietly and stay in her bed. The consequence of not following that direction was that she'd lose the flashlight. It's been almost a week now, and it's working wonderfully! We do her bedtime routine of vitamin, pjs, teeth and face, good night to myself and her brother, stories with daddy ending with "Night Night Little Pookie", and then lights out. We ask if she's ready to go to sleep (one night the answer was actually yes!), and if the answer is no, she's offered the flashlight. My husband then leaves the room. When she's ready to sleep she calls for one of us, and we put away the flashlight, tuck her in, start some white noise, and hold her hand for a few minutes until she drifts off. Without an audience, and being fairly still and in the dark, flashlight time seems to help her settle down more quickly. Without the frustration of sitting with Mini Muffin while she mucks around the tries to keep herself awake, we all have less frustration. And since no one is getting frustrated, the calmer atmosphere seems to really help bedtime progress more quickly. It's still a bit more of a production that I'd like, so there's still work to do, but overall we're all happier and Mini Muffin is sleeping on average half an hour earlier than she was!
I still find it amazing that my kids are so different in their sleep habits. I did a few things slightly differently between them, but I think most of it is due to nature as opposed to nurture. I continue to learn a lot along the way, and while our sleep situation (with Mini Muffin in particular) continues to have its moments of frustration, we really have come a long way!