Thursday, 31 December 2015

Pepper and Feta Mini Quiches

I recently tried a recipe from a fun baby food site I came across - Baby FoodE ( I expected to find a nice easy recipe for Little Smiling Man. Instead, I found a nice easy recipe for the whole family!

Pepper and Feta Mini Quiche
Pepper and Feta Mini Quiches 
Pepper and Feta Mini Quiches

1/4 c each diced red, yellow and green peppers
4 eggs
1/4 c plain yogurt
2 tbsp breadcrumbs
1 tsp dried thyme
2 tbsp crumbled feta

1. Preheat oven to 350F, and grease muffin tin (or mini muffin tin)
2. Whisk first five ingredients together.
3. Fill muffin tins about 3/4 full.
4. Sprinkle with feta.
5. Bake 20-25 minutes until set and browned around edges.

(The original recipe is here.)

I wanted to share this recipe as I've made it twice in as many weeks! Little Smiling Man enjoys them, Mini Muffin doesn't know what she's missing since she refuses to taste them, and my mom asked me for the recipe after we all enjoyed them for our Boxing Day breakfast. Not a bad wrap sheet!

A few notes -

1. I have used both regular and mini muffin tins for this recipe. It made 18 mini muffins or 8 regular sized muffins. We all agreed that the texture was much nicer for the regular muffin size, so while convenient for Little Smiling Man, I will stick with my regular muffin tin from here on.
2. I love the texture that the yogurt gives these quiches, and it couldn't be easier to add a creamy component. Why did I not think of this?
3. These quiches are super quick and easy. The longest part (aside from baking) was chopping the peppers. Easy peasy!
4. I really enjoy these warm, or even straight out of the fridge. When I'm chasing a toddler and a very active baby who loves to explore, they make a great snack to keep me going. They also transport well for an on the go finger food for littles.

And there you have it. I hope you enjoy these tasty gems; we certainly do!

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Indoor Energy Buster - Sleeping Bunnies

After a wonderful, albeit green, Christmas, winter is upon us!  At last!  For the last couple of days we've been having such a great time playing in the snow, and enjoying the winter scenery.  Of course the parts like cars getting stuck in the street and needing to shovel our way out were not aspects of winter that we missed, but they seem a small price to pay for the little kid's joy at finally having snow!

Backing up a little, we had a fantastic family Christmas.  We spent it quietly at home, enjoying each other.  Mini Muffin was very excited for Santa's visit, and enjoyed reading each book, or playing with each toy as they were opened.  She also seemed to get as much joy out of delivering presents to others to open, as she did opening presents for herself.  Grandma (my mom) was up for the week, so we continued to enjoy her company (and appreciate her help!) through Christmas itself.  We had a wonderful family dinner, during which Little Smiling Man discovered a love for orange glazed carrots, turkey and stuffing! 

Our Christmas day ended rather strangely; with our first ever trip to the emergency room for either of our children.  Little Smiling Man had developed a rash on his trunk two days prior.  On Christmas Eve is was worse, and looked kind of like a viral rash.  Christmas Eve was spent holding little man (all night) as he came in and out of sleep and seemed to writhe with discomfort.  On Christmas Day it was a bit worse again, so we creamed him up and went with it.  He was pretty happy and crawling everywhere during the day.  When I took his onesie off Christmas night before bed, he completely freaked out.  His skin was raised, raw and angry.  It was very difficult to comfort him, so we decided to get him checked out.  We must have timed our visit perfectly, as we were in and out within an hour!  We learnt that his rash was actually hives.  Ouch!  There are no antihistamines for babies, so we were told to keep it moisturised, and keep giving Advil for pain.  Poor monkey.  Today, a week after it started, it's pretty much healed and is now itchy because it's peeling.  As for causes, infant hives can be caused by a drug or food allergy, or be a reaction to a virus.  Based on duration, we're guessing it was viral, though it could possibly be related to his flu shot.  I guess we'll know for sure when he gets his second flu shot dose in a month.  In the end, it all worked out fine, and it was very comforting to know that we had been doing all the right things for our poor Little Smiling Man.

And, now that we're through all of that, and are enjoying true winter weather, I thought I'd share another one of our favourite indoor energy busters - Sleeping Bunnies!  It's a very simple song (the tune can be heard here:, and is one of Mini Muffin's favourite indoor ways to get moving.

Sleeping Bunnies

(child lays on the floor pretending to sleep)

See the sleeping bunnies,
Sleeping until noon.
Come let us wake them with a merry tune.
Oh how still,
Are they ill?

(wait and build expectation in the child)

Wake up sleeping bunnies!

(child jumps up)

Hop little bunnies, hop, hop, hop!
Hop little bunnies, hop, hop, hop!
Hop little bunnies, hop, and stop!

Mini Muffin loves jumping all over the place as she pretends to be a little bunny.  We also change it up as many times as our imaginations will let us.  There are sleeping dinosaurs that stomp around, sleeping kangaroos that jump, and even sleeping airplanes that fly.  We also had sleeping foxes (after much discussion we decided that our foxes would hop), roaring lions, stomping bears, and crawling puppies.  It's a very fun way to get moving, bust some energy, and enjoy song time together.  Even Little Smiling Man gets in on the action as I bounce him like a little bunny in my arms! I think Sleeping Bunnies will be a favourite in our home for some time to come.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Christmas Cards from a Toddler

Mini Muffin and I decided that yesterday was the perfect day for Christmas crafts. There are also a couple of people in her life that we wanted to recognize with cards, so our craft was decided!

I started by prepping while she was at the park with my mom (who's staying with us for the holidays), and Little Smiling Man was napping. I made plain, cream coloured cards, and drew a handful of Christmas trees on green card stock.  Mini Muffin has been working very hard lately on learning to cut with scissors; she's getting quite proficient and is nearly ready to try cutting along lines. So, my vision was that she'd try to cut out the trees, then we'd glue them to the cards and decorate them. Rather ambitious for a little girl of only two and a half!

When she got home, she saw the card stock and her scissors on the table and was super excited to get started! I explained and demonstrated cutting along lines, and she gave it a pretty good try. But, the fun of reducing a piece of paper to many tiny pieces with her scissors soon took over. I decided to let her have her fun (and use easier cutting shapes next time we work on this skill!). By the time she was done, we had dozens of odd shaped pieces of green card stock, with fragments of Christmas trees drawn on them.

Since this project had decidedly not gone to plan, we just started winging it! We tried our hand at cubism with me piecing together tree-like images and Mini Muffin gluing them. Mini Muffin then cut up some of grandma's spare yarn and glued it to some of the cards as decorations for the tree. And, finally she told me what she wanted to say inside, with great quotes like "Merry Holidays for Christmas!" and "Friends!".

All in all, it was a pretty fun project. I think the cards turned out great; to me they look like a two and a half year old loving her craft time!

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Parcel for the Food Bank

This morning, for whatever reason I found myself thinking back to an interaction I had at the food bank years ago.  I was chair for a local professional organization, and in preparation for our annual conference I decided to set up charitable donations for our speakers instead of giving out the usual dust gathering trinkets.  The morning of the conference, I headed to the local food bank to drop off the cheque, arriving shortly before they opened.  I ended up in a waiting room with a few folks who were either registering for or waiting to pick up food parcels.  On a table near by was a bag of perishables someone had left that were... perished to say the least.

A gentleman came in, perused the bag, knocked a baguette against the table (hard as a rock), smiled, tucked it under his arm, sat down next to me and started chatting.  He was very open with me, telling me that he was a recovering alcoholic on the straight and narrow, had a job that barely paid the rent, and walked everywhere since the bus was too expensive.  He told me that he was very happy to find the baguette because he hoped to be able to make chili soon.  He had been saving what he could from his food bank parcels, and if his next one had some tomato sauce he'd finally have enough to make chili.  You could tell how much he was looking forward to it, and the baguette would just take it to the next level.  Shortly thereafter we said goodbye, and that was that.

Later that day, and periodically through the years, I've found myself thinking back to that man.  He gave me a glimpse into a world I am blessed to not have experienced first hand.  The concept of having to save up to be able to make something as basic as chili is so far away from my reality.  And, I am so grateful for that.  The concept of being thrilled to find a stale baguette worth $1.50 when it's fresh, is also thankfully not part of my reality.  I truly hope that he has found his since found his feet.

Today, I was thinking about people in his situation and how difficult this time of year must be.  With everyone else preparing for the holidays, buying special foods for their family meal and rushing around to finish their Christmas shopping.  For people that have to save up to make chili, I realised that there would most likely not be anything special on their table for Christmas dinner.  That Christmas Day would be a struggle like any other day. 

With that in mind, I decided that in addition to our usual financial donation to the food bank, I would also give a donation of items that will hopefully help make someone's Christmas table a little more special.  I set a budget of $50 and had some fun finding great deals!  My budget ended up filling four shopping bags and I happily left with five cake mixes, five cans of frosting, eight packages of cookies, two packages of chocolates, five boxes of stuffing, and two boxes of apple cider mix. 

When I got home, I did a well overdue clean out of our pantry.  Over time we've accumulated assorted tins of hot chocolate, preserves, relishes, teas and sweets that we just don't consume. A gift basket here, and a hostess gift there add up quickly! I am happy to say that these items filled two more shopping bags, and will hopefully be used and enjoyed instead of taking up space in my cupboards to no end.

And so, six bags full of Christmas goodies were dropped off at the food bank warehouse. My family feels good about it, and I feel that even though it won't keep anyone from going hungry, sometimes something special for the holidays is good for the spirit.  In years to come, I think this surely will be a family Christmas tradition.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Indoor Energy Buster - Balloons!

We are having an unseasonably mild winter so far.  We've had small amounts of snow on the ground twice so far this winter, but here we are on December 16 with not a snowflake to be seen... aside from the paper ones decorating our windows!  With these warm temperatures, everything has been falling as rain.  Lots and lots of heavy rain.  I can only imagine how much snow we'd have on the ground if it had been just a few degrees cooler!

With heavy rain outside, we've been spending more time inside than usual.  And, as we all know toddlers have a lot of energy which needs to be burned off - either outside or in.  Yesterday, we pulled out a tried and true classic to help us burn off our cabin fever.  Balloons!  Mini Muffin actually received it in her advent calendar, and the timing couldn't have been better!

It never ceases to amaze me how much entertainment a balloon can bring.  It was fantastic!  There were lots of smiles, laughter, red cheeks, and huffing and puffing from all the exertion. 

Mama helped make it a bit more challenging - bumping the balloon to the other end of the room, around a corner, or way up high.  Mini Muffin had fun playing "catch" with me, and crawling into corners and behind furniture to retrieve it.  And, of course since it's so light, it's harmless for things on shelves, so there was no mess (aside from the usual chaos around the house)!

Mini Muffin bounced, threw, kicked and chased this balloon for well over half an hour.  She was in constant motion.  I tried to catch the fun in a picture, but with all the motion every single one is blurry.  With hindsight, I suppose that these blurry pictures actually captured the moment perfectly.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

DIY - Candy Cane Wreath

It's been a while since I posted, and has it ever been busy!  We had our extended family Christmas during which Little Smiling Man charmed one and all, and Mini Muffin ran amok and had a fantastic time.  We had our immediate family Christmas, during which we had a good catch up, exchanged a few gifts and enjoyed brunch together.  Then, we headed to Niagara and stayed at a water park!  I estimate that we spent nearly 12h in the water, despite staying for just under 48h!  We were all a bit waterlogged by the end.  When we got home Little Smiling Man wasn't himself.  He wasn't... well... smiley.  Then he broke out in a rash, so we went to the doctor where he was diagnosed with hand foot and mouth.  Poor, poor monkey.  All we could do is wait it out, and keep him comfortable with Advil.  Thankfully he's through it now!  We're all enjoying a little bit more sleep, and a lot less fussiness!

And, on the craft/DIY front, I thought I'd share a wreath I made just before heading south.  Let's just say, Pinterest is both my best friend and my worst enemy.  I was super busy with preparations for our trip and life in general, yet this gorgeous wreath just begged to be made!  Luckily, it turned out to be a quick and easy project, with a gorgeous end product!

Candycane wreath
The finished product!

Here's what you'll need:

1 box of candy canes, plus four additional candy canes*
Scotch tape
Candycane wreath
Hot glue gun (clear glue)

1.  Trim excess wrapper from the ends of each candy cane.
2.  Pair candy canes with long stems together.  Attach with tape.
3.  Lay out your wreath, joining the taped pairs so that the crooks form hearts.
4.  Along the stems, run a line of hot glue.  Add a dot of hot glue at each point the candy canes join.
5.  Allow to set, and it's ready to hang!  It won't be stiff, but will be held together well.  Hang on a hook, with ribbon, or however you choose!

* Exact quantity may vary depending on which brand of candy canes you buy.

Easy.  Peasy.

Ours adorns our stairwell window, and is held up by suction hooks.  I love this simple, festive touch to our home!