Let me tell you a bit about them, because these aren't any old receiving blankets. These are a) made with love, b) extra cozy without being too bulky, and c) perfect for someone (like me) just learning how to sew. In fact, this blanket pattern was my very first sewing project, and the prototype was quickly claimed by Mini Muffin. It continues to be her comfort item at bedtime, I love that she's comforted by something I made!
It all started a couple of years ago, with a very experienced quilter from work telling me about making receiving blankets for a colleague that was expecting. It sounded so simple - one yard each of two complementary flannels. Cut one 30" square and one 40" square from each, and through some sewing magic create two beautiful blankets that are a cross between a basic receiving blanket and a simple quilt. Sounds interesting, right? She called them "twenty minute receiving blankets", but ascertained that even with her experience it took her a bit longer. Fast forward to my expecting Little Smiling Man, and several others in my social set also expecting babies around the same time. I thought it would be lovely for Little Smiling Man to have something made especially for him, and to give these as gifts to some of the other new arrivals. I literally googled twenty minute receiving blanket and came across a free online tutorial from the Missouri Star Quilt Company (here: http://shops.missouriquiltco.com/product/self-binding-baby-blanket-pattern/). It turns out that it's the same tutorial my coworker had used! What took her an hour or so, took me longer. The first one took two evenings. The second one took a single evening, and eventually I got it down to a couple of hours during which I could escape from the outside world and focus on a simple, enjoyable project.
With hindsight, the time spent on these blankets was very well spent! I find them so versatile. Being about three feet square, they're great for carseats, swaddling newborns, rolling on when we're out and about, can still be used as receiving blankets and to clean up messes, are thick enough to be perfect for spring and fall weather, and are both soft and durable. Since Little Smiling Man was a March baby, we used them often over the first few months, and I suspect I'll also be using them frequently over the coming months as well.
1. Don't skip the prewashing... or the ironing.
Flannel shrinks. A lot. Putting your uncut flannel through the wash means that it won't go all wonky on you later. After it comes out of the dryer, ironing will make cutting so much easier!
2. Perfect squares do matter.
I'm pretty sure it takes me about as long to cut the fabric as it does to pin and sew. But, if you're not square, it's definitely a problem, so it's worth the time.
3. Exact measurements, however, don't matter.
If one of your squares is slightly bigger or smaller, it really doesn't matter, it just changes the width of the border and the overall size of the blanket.
4. Sometimes, if you're new to sewing, the top stitching goes a bit funny in places.
Don't sweat it, no one will notice (and if they do, they won't say anything!). When I made my first blanket, I was very caught up in it being perfect. It wasn't. And, it's still very well loved. Just enjoy the process, and it'll all work out in the end. And, I find that each subsequent blanket gets a little bit closer to perfect.
5. Thread a new bobbin before starting the top stitching.
If you want to go start to finish without stopping, you'll need a full bobbin. Trust me.
6. If you plan to use these for yourself, make several.
In the spring, these were literally the only blanket we used for swaddling due to the chilly weather (and their perfect size). Plus they were used for going out, snuggling, etc. We loved using them so much that they always seemed to be in the wash! Having several meant that we were rarely caught without one.
And, that's my little summary and review of one fantastically simple, handmade baby blanket, that I adore.
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