"Two minutes" is a phrase we now hear often in our house... very often. Neither hubby, nor I, realised that we said it. Then, this fabulous little mirror who regularly lets us know what we really look and sound like (aka Mini Muffin) picked it up. All of a sudden, she started telling us "I be right be back... two minutes!" (only to pop back around the corner ten seconds later, loudly announcing that she'd returned - love her!). At first we were confused; where on earth did that come from? Then, I started noticing myself telling her we would be leaving in two minutes, or that I'd be back in two minutes from a run to basement pantry, etc. Then, I started noticing my husband using similar phrases. I guess we just live in a two minute household.
And that, I think, is partly why an article I recently read on decluttering stuck with me. Sadly, I forgot to bookmark it and it seems to be lost forever. However, amongst all the usual stuff (make your bed, mess attracts mess, etc), was a little gem that I've been putting to the test with pretty solid results. This article proposed that if a task would take two minutes or less, do it immediately; if it will take more than two minutes you can put it off if you want to.
When I read it, I thought "Hmmm... interesting..." and promptly moved on. The next day, as I put a broken down box into a pile on the counter to later go out to the recycling bin, it popped into my head. The twenty steps or so would definitely take less than two minutes, so I took it straight to the bin. One less thing on the counter. I caught myself the same way, putting some rogue barrettes in a pile on the table to be taken upstairs later. Approximately 30 seconds later they were away and not causing clutter on the table.
It's also worked to help push me to complete every day tasks when I see they need doing as opposed to the dreaded "later". After all, it only takes two minutes, so why wait? Corralling shoes at the front door, making the bed, straightening up Little Smiling Man's diaper changing stuff, putting away the shirt that was hanging to dry, and the list goes on. Each thing in itself is small, yet those two minutes give a small sense of accomplishment and spur on more two minute projects. Bit by bit, I can honestly say that I've noticed a difference... even if it is just the lack of recycling items accumulating on the kitchen counter!
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