Saturday, 26 September 2015

Good Morning!

I love singing.  Mini Muffin loves singing.  Even my husband gets in on the action!  We love songs with actions, songs with funny rhymes, songs to help distract the littles while we're waiting, songs to bring a smile to the face, songs to get the sillies out - the list is endless.

When Mini Muffin was born I knew very minimal kids songs.  As in, basics like Bingo, Isty Bitsy Spider and just a handful of others.  Through mothers groups, both my and Mini Muffin's repertoires expanded, and happily Little Smiling Man is now also being exposed to some pretty fun songs.

One time we always sing is in the morning.  I greet each child in the morning with a good morning song; basically to the tune of Happy Birthday, just like my mom used to sing to me.  My husband has his own good morning song that his dad used to sing when he was a kid.  Mini Muffin has started singing a version of my good morning song to Little Smiling Man as well - heart warming to say the least!

However, lately yet another good morning song has emerged in our home.  And, it's so popular we've been singing it morning, noon, and... well... not night since we're (hopefully) all fast asleep in our beds.  It's called the Good Morning Train, and is far and away Mini Muffin's favourite song at the moment.  You can hear a rendition of it here:

We have lots of fun with all the "choo choo" sound effects, especially since Mini Muffin is a huge train fan these days.  We also make a point of naming people in our extended family and friends that we don't see too often as a way to think of them and include them in our day.  It's fantastic when Mini Muffin stops me to inform me that she will be singing it, and proceeds to name anyone that's on her mind - each with a VERY enthusiastic "choo choo!" afterwards.

What's your favourite song to start off the day?  

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